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Ezra Principles

Guidelines for the Ministry

Most of the things we do are shaped by underlying principles or beliefs. Often we are not aware of these and act out of them when thinking.


We have found it helpful in establishing the Ezra Ministry to force ourselves to state our guiding principles. This is not a full statement of everything we believe – there is a separate Statement of Faith document you can consult on our website that summarizes our understanding of what the Bible teaches. Nor is the list meant to contain everything we think is important in the Christian life. Rather, it is a statement of key ideas and values that shape what we say and do in the Ezra Ministry.


Theological Principles (Beliefs that shape what we do and say)


  1. God made us to know him, live in him, and rule for him. This makes us focus on helping people know God and experience him in everyday life.

  2. Sin has separated us from God and the life he intended us to live. This makes us concerned to see people restored to right relationship with God and makes us dependent on him to work in their hearts rather than rely on our own strength.

  3. God has reached out to restore us to himself through Christ’s death and resurrection. This makes us Christ-centered in our approach to spiritual life and leadership development.

  4. Jesus’ life and death become effective for us as we are united to him through faith. This makes us concerned to help people come to saving faith in Christ, and then continue to live by faith in him.

  5. Through the Holy Spirit, God makes us alive, transforms us into Jesus’ likeness, and empowers us to serve in his kingdom. This makes us committed to the present activity of God within his people and to helping Christians walk in the Spirit.


Operational Principles (Beliefs that shape how we say and do things)


  1. God works in the world through his Spirit and Word. This makes us base our ministry on the Bible, using it as both the source and standard of what we do and say.
  2. People change as they discover, absorb and apply definite truths. This makes us concerned that people do not content themselves with knowing about God, but actually knowing him in personal, interactive relationship.

  3. People change when they are exposed to definite truths presented clearly, concisely and compellingly. This makes us focused, clear, heartfelt and brief in what we write and say.

  4. People change as they engage with truth prayerfully, submissively and obediently. This makes us emphasize careful interaction with what people read and hear more than simply the amount of what they read and hear.


Relational Principles (Beliefs that shape the way we relate to others)


  1. Ministry occurs best within loving, grace-filled relationships. This makes us concerned to know people personally and serve them freely and lovingly.
  2. Relationships thrive best when they are honest, respectful and faithful. This makes us strive to be open, accurate, polite and trustworthy.

  3. Relationships work best when communication is prompt, personal and plain. This makes us aim to connect with people frequently, quickly, personally and clearly.

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